Footer is the area at the bottom of the document that will have a text that is going to appear on every page usually this area is used for page numbering.
Sizing Handle is when you resize the window or when you have images in word or text you can resize the object to bigger or smaller by using the sizing handle.
Header is the area on top of the document that will have text that will appear on the document page usually the headers are used for page number, document title and authors name etc...
Crop- Is when you have images you start cutting out the area that you don'twant and to make it fit a page better or to make the images itself look better.
Cell- The cell is when the columns and rows meet up/intersect it creates a box which is called a cell. When a cell is click on or selected it is called the active cell or current cell.
Table- A table is like a chart with columns and rows. Where the columns and rows meet up that rectangular box would be a cell. In a table there is usually numbers used for comparing.